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9.  Tony Bobulinski

9. Tony Bobulinski

Navel Officer Vet is best know as Hunter Biden former business partner who blew the whistle on the Biden crime family.  He shared all of his communication devices live on Tucker Carlson, in an effort to set the record clean and clear his family name.  

Tony Bobulinski is a philanthropist and global investor that has spent his career invesinng around the World in areas such as direct investments, venture capital, private equity, hedge funds and the public markets. His philanthropy supports education, Veterans and athletics with a focus on wrestling

The House oversight committee confirms

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing on “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office,” witnesses (Tony Bobulinski) confirmed Joe Biden was involved with his family’s business dealings and their attempts to sell access to him.  With the help of corrupt government agencies, the Hunter laptop and Joe Biden direct participation in selling out America for personal profit was masked during the 2020 election.   This was one of many ways that the 2020 election was corrupted.

Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden


"HUNTER BIDEN LIED" Tony Bobulinski SAYS He HAS EVIDENCE Against Joe And Hunter Biden 

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