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57.  Ashley Babbit

57. Ashley Babbit

Ashley Babbit 

The story of J6 and it's victims and hostages...

Her last words…

What really happened J6?  

  1.  2020 election was NOT free and fair.  Many patriots came to DC to peacefully protest what they believe to be a fraudulent election.  I saw evidence of election fraud in WI.  

  2. There were an undetermined number of agent provocateurs at the capital J6…asa well as ANTIFA and other bad actors dressed with MAGA hats (and also gas masks and black…not common at Trump rallies…but WAS common at BLM “peaceful protests that resulted in actual murder, billions in vandalism, looting and destruction of cities across the nation).   

  3. President Trump asked the crowd to peacefully and patriotically let their voices be heard.   Capital police open gates and literally waved people into the capital building.  Video of people like Ray Epps were filmed inciting the crowd.  Others filmed windows being broken while the crowd chanted “ANTIFA NO!”…recognizing this was wrong and NOT common at Trump supporter rallies of any kind.  

  4. Ashley Babbit (an unarmed vet) was shot and killed by Nancy Pelosi’s armed guard.  The media lied about 5-6 officers being harmed or killed…ALL false.  One office died after the event in an unrelated (heart attack)…and several more committed “suicide” later.

  5. Many people who did no harm - have been locked up with no due process for 4 years - for taking selfies in the peoples house.  Meanwhile- BLM rioters were released within 48 hours…so go out and destroy more property and lives.

  6. 45th and 47th President DJ Trump has indicated he will be pardoning them immediately.

What is an “insurrection”?

  1. By definition, an “insurrection” is an armed takeover of a government…yet not a SINGLE J6er was armed…and there was no plot or plan to take over the government.  

  2. Contrast that with Susan Lisa Rosenberg, a far-left terrorist "M19CO" (May 19th Communist Organization)which, according to a contemporaneous FBI report, "openly advocated for the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and the use of violence".  M19CO provided support to an offshoot of theBlack Liberation Army, including in armored truck robberies, and later engaged in bombings of government buildings, including the  1983 CAPITAL BUILDING BOMBING.   November 7th, 1983 a bomb was placed in the U.S. Capitol that tore through the second floor Senate wing in an attempt to assassinate republican Senators.  Convicted after a trial on weapons and explosives charges, Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years' imprisonment as a TRUE domestic terrorist. She spent 16 years in prison, during which she became a poet, author, and activist. Her sentence was commuted to time served by President BILL CLINTON on January 20, 2001, his final day in office. During the 2020 “summer of love” BLM RIOTS, Susan Rosenberg served as vice chair of the board of directors of  Thousand Currents - who essentially funded BLM.  Remember the pallets of bricks, malatov cocktails, signs, bused in protestors - this didn’t happen organically…it was funded.  

Democrat run cites refuse to prosecute people who DAILY assault police. They might serve 3 hours, where any J6'er who did assault police have already served 2-3 years. MOST locked up did NOTHING but walk through open doors in the people house.

J6 was a set up.

BLM activist John Sullivan filmed Ashleys murder

I remeber seeing the video that day. I saw Sullivan filiming himself walking in the capital with a girl and saying to her somethin like, "we did it. We did this."...refering to getting people to enter the capital. Later he was filmed outside his hotel by someone who recoginzed him as a BLM activist while he was on. the phone...he pretended to be a Trump supporter on J6...he was NOT arrested.

INJUSTICE - Jesus is Justice

Good Questions:

Now in the hands of our savior - Jesus 

No idea if this is true

REAL insurrection attempt 1983 - BLM



Fed-surrection poster boy Ray Epps



Agents, fake-MAGA, and more


BLM riots vs J6



The pipe bomber - Feds blurred his face…why?


Tear gas


Lara Logan



AOC wasn’t even in the building…she lied


“Biden supporters are the problem

J6 committee didn’t want him to testify 

The J6 committee coverup

Vindication for J6 hostages - TY President Trump:

J6 protest vs BLM riots

J6 Fed whistle blower

Agents at J6 - dressed as Trump supporters


Q Shaman


Ray Epps


Antifa at j6

Tucker on J6 “tours”


J6er pardoned by Trump


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