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55.  Roger Stone

55. Roger Stone

Roger Stone 

Know for his style and dapper attire.  Roger Stone was the recent victim of political persecution when an armed FBI swat team raided his home in the middle of the night.  Roger famously exited the raid of his home where CNN was ready to capture it on camera wearing a black t-shirt saying “Roger Stone did nothing wrong”.  

On January 25, 2019, Stone was arrested in connection with the infamous Mueller report and charged in an indictment with witness tampering, and five counts of making false statements.  He was sentenced to 40 months in prison.  On July 10, 2020, days before Stone was scheduled to report to prison, Trump commuted his sentence.  On August 17, 2020, he dropped the appeal of his convictions. Trump pardoned Stone on December 23, 2020.    

There is speculation that Stone and Wikileaks hero Julian Assange were in communication prior to the 2020 election.  

Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone.

Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump—all of these Presidents relied on Roger Stone to secure their seat in the Oval Office. In a 45-year career in American politics, Stone has worked on over 700 campaigns for public office.

Stone’s bestselling books include The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJThe Bush Crime FamilyThe Clintons’ War on WomenThe Making of The President—How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution, and Stone’s Rules with a forward by Tucker Carlson. (You can purchase signed copies of his books on his official shop,

For the last 15 years, Roger Stone has published his International Best & Worst Dressed List. Stone is considered an authority on political and corporate strategy, branding, marketing, messaging, and advertising.

Stone is the host of The StoneZONE on Rumble and is also the host of The Roger Stone Show on WABC Radio.

Support Roger:

If you want to donate directly to help him in his ongoing legal battles, you can donate to the Stone Defense Fund at

You can also pick up some merchandise from the official StoneZONE shop. Items like the world-famous Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong t-shirt are available alongside signed books, signed "Roger" Stone Paperweights, and much more. Check it out today at

Another great way to support Roger is on Cameo, where you can buy a custom video message from the man himself:

FBI Raid:

Things that make you say…hmmmm

Thank You Roger!  Pompeo is bad news:


Thank you Jesus, indeed!



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