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41.  Kim Clement

41. Kim Clement 

During the past few years MANY of Kims prophet words have come true.  For instance, Kim prophesied back in 2008 that Donald Trump would be a two term president and that there would be “no witch in the Whitehouse”.  Kim also said that even Time Magazine would acknowledge Trump.  Although the media has been less than fair with regard to reporting on DJT, just recently Trump was elected “Time man of the year”.   

While many have called Kim a prophet, part of the journey to understanding Kim Clement is a lesson in understanding the uniqueness of his destiny. He was not a doom and gloom prophet with an apocalyptic forecast every three years; instead, he was a voice of hope to those who needed it the most. He was able to paint a picture of destiny that inspires instead of frightens those who catch a glimpse. He found a way to define again what it is to be a true prophet. He, along with his wife Jane was the founder of the House of Destiny church.  


Kennedy joining Trump


Witch in the White House


A lot of people woke up in 2020 when disease and darkest swept the nation


Rove V Wade

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