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4. Charlie Kirk

4. Charlie Kirk 

Illinois native, Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to identifying, organizing, and empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.  There is NO ONE better than Charlie quick-thinking commonsense debate.

Charlie is a 31 year old, whose unconventional road to success has undoubtably inspired countless other young adults.  Charlie is an extremely skilled quick-thinking debater who travels across college campus’s (though not a graduate himself) and “schools” woke liberals on issues that are critical to America’s survival as a thriving nation.  I’ve garnered a wealth of information from this young astute conservative views.  In fact the first political rally I ever attended was a 2020 Trump car parade and rally he organized at the Kane county IL fair grounds.

With a presence on over 3,000 high school and college campuses nationwide, over 650,000 lifetime student members, and 450 full- and part-time staff all across the country, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest-growing conservative youth activist organization in the country. At just 30 years old, Charlie has done thousands of media appearances and his writings can be seen on Fox News, The Hill, RealClearPolitics, Newsweek, The Washington Times, Breitbart, American Greatness, Daily Caller, The American Mind, The Washington Post, and Human Events.

President Trump won a large majority of young men, and Charlie Kirk greatly influenced that.

Watch Charlie easily navigate through woke ideology with facts and common sense:

Americas Christian Founding roots

What is Church?

PUTTING RHINOS ON NOTICE: If you do not approve Trumps Nominees - YOU WILL FACE A PRIMARY


Open borders and taxpayer freebies for CRIMINAL INVADERS


What is a woman?

The 1st amendment

2nd Amendment

Trump tariffs

Defending a conservative position

Advice on how to share the truth

To Gen-Z - You don’t have to stay poor

Charlie on defeating a second candidate

Putting the swamp on notice 


Holy Land is real

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