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39.  Clarence Thomas

39. Clarence Thomas

Justice Clarence Thomas

Arguably the best and most conservative Supreme Court Justices who is focused on the upholding the constitution of the USA, Clarence Thomas is a Christian Conservative.  It’s rumored that Justice Thomas may swear in President Trump at the 2025 inauguration.   Justice Clarence Thomas was confirmed 33 years ago by a vote of 52-48. What a LEGEND.

The fake-news and establishment DC tried to destroy him before he got started….but he did not back down in the face of darkness.  He said “he would rather die than withdraw from the process”. “I will not back down from bullies”

Everything pertaining to Justice Thomas’s nomination (1991), his hearing, as well as the last minute accusations from Anita Hill, and the disgusting way the democrats, (especially Senator Joe Biden) treated him during the hearing was a gross lie. 

The Democrats hate educated and intelligent Conservative black men because they can't control them. They've demonized and tried to destroy him for over twenty years and he's done nothing wrong. God bless Clarence Thomas. 

The demon-rates are trying to destroy Thomas before the inauguration, becuase they fear an honest man that knows their tricks.  The same Dems that filed a complaint on Justice  Thomas have yet to make a statement about the NARA pics and emails just released regarding their corrupt leader.  It is general concensus that Biden has cognitive decline for years now and they haven't done a thing about that.  When are they going after the 40 members of congress, including the most blatant illegal actions of Rep Nancy Pelosi who have been insider trading for years? When is Congress going to do what is right in the eyes of justice and the people? They live by different laws, different ethics and allow graft and corruption on a massive scale and expect respect from Americans. They are pathetic and all who do not fight this every day should be fired by the people at the next election no matter what party. Seems like the only credentials to run for Congress today is that you must be  a lowlife, narcissistic, greedy individual who can be bought for the right price. 13 percent approval is too high.

He upholds law and order..truth, and justice 


"As I rediscovered the God-given principles of the Declaration and our Founding, I eventually returned to the Church which had been teaching the same truths for millennia” 

"I go to Mass before I go to work and the reason for that is not just habit. It gives you, a sinner, it starts you in a way of doing this job secular job the right way for the right reasons." 

"Justice Thomas -- one of the greatest Americans in our history, and perhaps the most revolutionary and exceptional jurist of at least the last century -- will never, ever stop paying for the thought crime of being black and conservative," he wrote. ‘What's old is new again for the Democrats."

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas ripped into his critics in the liberal media

"One of the things I’d say in response to the media is when they talk about, especially early on, about the way I did my job, I said ‘I will absolutely leave the court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours”

Georgia Democrat shredded for smearing Justice Thomas as an 'Uncle Tom: 

On Biden

Justice Clarence Thomas sharply criticizes civil forfeiture laws. 

Will not back down from BULLIES




My Grandfather's Son: A Memoir

Provocative, inspiring, and unflinchingly honest, My Grandfather's Son is the story of one of America's most remarkable and controversial leaders, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, told in his own words.

Thomas speaks out, revealing the pieces of his life he holds dear, detailing the suffering and injustices he has overcome, including the polarizing Senate hearing involving a former aide, Anita Hill, and the depression and despair it created in his own life and the lives of those closest to him. In this candid and deeply moving memoir, a quintessential American tale of hardship and grit, Clarence Thomas recounts his astonishing journey for the first time.

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