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36.  Kelsey Grammer

36. Kelsey Grammer

Allen Kelsey Grammer is an American actor, comedian, and producer. He gained fame for his role as the psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane on the NBC sitcom Cheers and its spin-off Frasier.  After a life riddled with tragedy and addiction, Kelsey seems to have found his peace and stability in Jesus, sobberity,  and his fourth marriage.

A rare conservative in Hollywood, my favorite movie of his role as Pastor Chuck Smith in Jesus Revolution - an awesome movie portraying the true story of a movement that swept America in the 70’s -  Hippes who gave up sex and drugs to become “Jesus freaks”.

Apparently, Grammer’s support of Trump and the MAGA movement, resulted in a BBC interview being cut short.  


Jesus Revolution - Starring Kelsey and The Chosen Star Johnathan Romie

Kelsey Grammer's BBC interview cut short for expressing support for Trump


Only one guy ever preached to love your enemy - Jesus

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