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31.  Mike Lindell

31. Mike Lindell 

If you watch any FOX news you know who Mike Lindell is.  Some people love him, some hate him.  His goods are right next to mine in Naples Iconic “Seed To Table”.  I watch all day long as people take photos with his life stand cardboard cut out.

Over 1 Million people came to the Capital on January 6th which the left paints as an “insurrection”.  While I was not there in DC, I agree that the 2020 election was absolutely riddled with wide scale issues on many fronts…front software “glitches” that flipped votes before my eyes as I watched election result live from my Diana late that night, to what I experiment personally as a poll watcher and the Wisconsin recount team, to “10,000 mules”, mail in ballots, and many other schemes.  

It would take mental gymnastics to logically convince me that Joe Biden (who “campaigned” from his basement - rarely making above ground appearances) inspired more voters to come out than Barrack Obama.  I do not believe Biden earned more real votes than Trump.  Myself and MANY other Americans do not believe the results of the 2020 election.  Mike Lindell (Love him or hate him), but himself at great physical and financial risk to prove that point (although it appears unsuccessful).  While I may not agree with everything Mike says or does (nor do I know everything), I admire his patriotism and pursuit of the truth.  In transparency, I have not kept up with his litigation issues but I wish him all the best.

Here is Mikes plan regarding elections: 

I have not studied this plan , but at a glance it looks very reasonable.  I am in favor of voter ID,  paper ballots and one day elections and results as many other patriots have suggested.  My limited experience volunteering on Election Day, has me wondering why we can’t put thumb prints on ballots to make them less corruptible.  Each fraudulent vote cancels out the right and vote of a legitimate voters will.  I am not for that.   It seems that far too many of our elections are corrupt, and that some people are selected rather than elected - that is merely an opinion.  

2024 vote


Spiritual battle & globalism

Trump Rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota - 7/27/24

Trump on Pence

Do Democrats Deny Election Results???

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