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24.  Jack Hibbs

24. Jack Hibbs 

Jack Hibbs is the senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, based in Southern California, the Founder & President of Real Life ministry, and a nationally syndicated TV & Radio host.  Jack is unafraid to speak about biblical truths and politics from the position of a biblical narrative.

Jack and his wife, Lisa, began a home fellowship over thirty years ago with just six faithful souls. Today, the church ministers weekly to over ten thousand people on campus and millions worldwide through daily media outreach programs.

Pastor Jack is well known for his passionate, verse-by-verse expositional Bible teaching; in addition, he is a frequent conference speaker and a nationally syndicated Radio and Tv host. His numerous ministries counting television broadcasts, podcasts, and radio reach from West Africa to the South Pacific.

Jack and Lisa have been married for over forty years and are the authors of the book Turn Around At Home – Giving A Stronger Spiritual Legacy Than You Received. They reside in Southern California where they enjoy time with their children and grandchildren.

Pastor Jack Hibbs Responds to Kamala Harris

Did Trump Survive?

Women's Rights, Trump, and Truth

Answering A Friend's Objections To Voting For Trump | Dr. Wayne Grudem


Who Should I Vote For?


Pastor Jack Hibbs Prayer Before Congress 2024

When Christians Fail to Vote (Psalm 33:12)


Pride month? The Bible says that we need to repent of pride 

Signs of the Coming Antichrist - Part 3

If My People - Part 3 (Psalm 51) 


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