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22.  Anthony Thomas

22. Anthony Thomas

Tip of the Spear Church, Naples FL 

Saved by Grace and thrust into full time ministry in his mid 20’s, Anthony was given a simple mandate from the Lord, see that the lost are saved, fight the devil with aggressive spiritual warfare and help people overcome and find victory through preaching, teaching, and prayer. With a strong Prophetic and Evangelistic anointing, Anthony has ministered coast to coast for over 20 years. He is a Marine Corps Veteran and friend of Jesus. Anthony and his children call Naples, Fl their home where he serves as the Lead Pastor of Tip of the Spear Church.

Anthony is one of my pastors and I have learned so much from him.  I consider Anthony a general training God’s army.  In an hour he takes a paragraph or two and breaks in down word by word and relates it to current events.  

Anthony walks the walk, and claims that on his tombstone he wants written, “all is grace”.

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