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20.  Peter Doocy

20. Peter Doocy

Peter Doocy

Hilariously anti-woke White House press correspondent.  Press reports would be so boring without Peter.  He calls out wokeness and the lack of truth and common sense in the White House.

As White House correspondent, Doocy covers the President of the United States’ domestic and international activities as well as the issues impacting the administration. In this capacity, he also represents the network in the White House press briefings, where his questions surrounding the Biden administration’s southern border policies, COVID-19 and vaccine mandates along with the removal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan have driven news headlines.

Throughout his tenure with the network, Doocy has covered every major political election since 2009 as well as reported live from major breaking news events across the country. 

Peter Doocy brought receipts to hit back against White House’s “misinformation” claims against him


Peter Doocy: This is going to be dirty

Peter Doocy Asks KJP: Will Biden Ask Trump To Pardon Hunter?

'Is This Racist?': Karine Jean-Pierre Vs. Peter Doocy— Best Moments Of The Past Year | 2022 Rewind

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