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19.  Jim Caviezel

19. Jim Caviezel 

Caviezel portrayed Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s 2004 epic movie, “The passion of the Christ”.

During filming, he was struck by lightening,  scourged by accident, dislocated his shoulder, and suffered from pneumonia and hypothermia.

Prior to filming, Gibson reportedly warned Caviezel that playing Jesus in his controversial film could hurt his career. In 2011, he stated that good roles had been hard to come by since, but this movie, in particular, the role of Jesus Christ was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Passion of the Christ went on to take in a box office of $612.1 million.

Caviezel recently played the role of Tim Ballard in the true story of “Sound of Freedom” , an Independent movie by Angel studios about Child sex trafficking.   This movie was also a box office success fueled by word of mouth.

Jim is a man of great faith.

Jim Caviezel shares his remarkable story of how God called him to be an actor 

Jim Caviezel - The Sound of Freedom | SRS #64

On cover up of organ harvesting and more - Jim Cavizel exposes dark truths

Defend God not Lucifer


With Trump

Is Biden running our country?

Jesus visited filing Passion of Christ

If you are close to Jesus, you suffer with him


Sound of Freedom

Hall of Fame

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