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1. Donald J Trump

1. Donald J Trump

45th and 47th President of the United States of America - Arguably also the winner of the 2020 election.  With massive mail-in ballots, convincing evidence of 10,000+ mules, many times more votes than voters in swing states such as WI, media lies and suppression of relevant stories such as Hunters' laptop from hell...I for one still do not believe that Joe Biden received more votes than Obama or Trump.  America has suffered through the most corrupt globalist-controlled presidency in history....but now...BUT GOD....we have resoundly voted for President Donald J. Trump.  The Dying Legacy news lied about everything DJT did and said.   No one has come close to suffering as much as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but I respect that President Trump has stood for righteousness and faced the enemy with great personal risk and cost to him and the ones he loves.  The left (and right) controlled by shadow levers of power impeached, harrassed, lied about, and relentlessly persecuted DJT, his family, and his supporters. 


Thank God that more and more people are awakening to the truth.   While we have had a few presidents who often made mention of God from the presidential office, I am not aware of any other than President Trump who call God by his name, Jesus Christ.  There is great power in that name.  I believe that the Holy Bible is the living word of God and that Jesus is God, the son of God, and the word of God manifested in the flesh.  I also believe we have all witnessed, or at least sensed, that something unusual has been happening.  The madness of open borders that invite criminals, drug and human trafficking couldn't just be for votes,  The lunacy of trans wokeness that favors chemically castrating children who aren't even old enough to choose their bedtime can't just be because masses of people really believe this is "healthcare", our disgraceful exit from Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars of weapons to terrorist couldn't just be because Joe Biden and his crew are stupid and sleepy.  ALL of these things are EVIL...meant to destroy our nation and quite frankly the world....BUT GOD.  The Bible verse "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world" appears in Ephesians 6:12.  We are in constant spiritual warfare, and if you voted for Trump, I believe that you are on the right side of have voted to bring back Judeo_Christina values to this great nation which it was founded on.    Like all of us, President Trump is just a man of flesh and blood - He has sinned and falls short of the glory of God, but if he or you accept Jesus as Lord and savior then we are redeemed in His strength.  Throughout history, God has used far from perfect men to accomplish His will.  President Trump has been compared to three characters in the bible - 1.  brave like King David who defeated Goliath and danced before the Lord   2.  King Cyrus who didn't know the Lord but led His people out of captivity.  3. King Jehu who had a mission to destroy evil.  It is not for me to question or confirm anyone's faith, but I did receive a word from God that I may share about President Trump.  Deceased prophet Kim Clement accurately predicted back in 2008 that DJT would be a two-term president - and that He would be radically saved in his second term.   Good has won a victory or evil in this election - but the battle is not yet done.  The corner enemy of God with no doubt have more madness on the way...a new "virus"?  Alien/demon invasion?  Who knows.  President Trump and his team need our constant intercessory prayers.   It was humbling to me to witness all the people around the WORLD who were praying and seeking God for our election and president.  Our prayers matter.

Even though I voted three times for President Trump, the fake news had me believing some lies about him...until I investigated them for myself.  I invite you to watch these video shorts and hear for yourself what Trump believes and stands for.  

Video highlights of President Trump talking about JESUS CHRIST

DJT is the only American President to honor the name of Jesus Christ (not just God) openly from the office of President. Is he saved...does he have a deep and true relationship with Jesus Christ? Only God knows the heart of a man. But, the bible says to test the spirit and that only one led by the lord can say, "Jesus Christ is Lord".

The “Accusers”: 

Self-proclaimed “WITCH” Stormy Daniels:    NEWSWEEKStormy Daniels to Be Honored by Salem Witches in Halloween Ceremony - Published Oct 31, 2024 “Daniels and her 13-year-old daughter are both practicing witches, and she said she previously studied with a voodoo priest in New Orleans and trained to be a paranormal investigator.  Describing her lifelong love of witchcraft, Daniels told The Boston Globe, "I've always seen spirits and communicated with the dead, and in middle school and high school, I read voraciously about it."

I encourage you to look into the backgrounds and reputation of the rest of President Trumps accusers - you may be surprised at what you find.

The "Fake News":

They fake news clips, distortion of the truth and outright lies about Trump are endless. Here are just a few:

It’s crazy to look back and realize:

1. Trump was banned from Twitter for two years.

2. Trump was banned from YouTube for two years.

3. Trump was banned from Instagram and Facebook for two years.

4. The government pressured Facebook to censor dissenting voices as “misinformation”.

5.  The government pressured Twitter to shadowban conservative accounts.

6. The government pressured Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

7. Trump has been hit with hundreds of lawsuits incurring $100-200 million in expenses over the last 8 years

8. Legacy media near-uniformly posted negative headlines about Trump

9. Google search results reflected and may have even amplified media bias 

The fact that he was able to win again despite all of this is a stunning triumph of the human spirit.

Satan Worshippers All Against Trump:

Yup, it sounds crazy because it is crazy...but true. In addition to constant attacks by the globalist controlled "Fake news", Hollyweird, big Pharma, political opposition, and other special interest groups, worshippers of satan also hate Trump. Yes, you heard that right. In fact, it a part of my testimony as to why I became a follower of Jesus. I saw first hand Trump (and them myself for my support of him) attacked by these people I didnt know at first were real. I first noticed it in October 2020 on a literal full moon that while DJT suffered with CV19 thousands of people who followed the enemy of God attacked the president twitter feed - given praise to their father satan. In Aramaic language they boasted about the curses and hexes they were putting on DJT while posting spooky and vulgar images.

atanists on President Trumps T


  • When President Trump was in the hospital with COVID thousands of Satanists cast evil "curses & spells" on his tweeter feed.

  • Twitter CEO @Jack is a practicing Satanist & has posted as much on his own Twitter feed.  Twitter has been assisting with locking accounts of conservatives and making pro-Trump & Biden corruption information less sharable.

  • Biden supporters are openly flying Satan flags on their homes (such as the one I took from Kenosha Wisconsin).  

  • Satanist groups have participated in BLM anti-America, anti-Trump protests

  • Nov., 7th at Madison WI capital "Protect the Vote" rally, Biden supports took my photo holding the American flag...and flashed the devil horn sign at me. 

  • Head of Satanic temple criticies Trump and Christian conservatives

an Worshipers are AGUMP

Sample of the satanist posts on President Trump Twitter when he had CV 19

A sampling of the thousands of satanic curses that were posted on President Trumps twitter feed post Oct 1-2 2020
A sampling of the thousands of satanic curses that were posted on President Trumps twitter feed post Oct 1-2 2020
You can see in this one what post they were responding to.  I reported nearly 300 that night, but there were thousands.  If figured if the enemy of Gods minions hated Trump - I was for FOR Trump.
You can see in this one what post they were responding to. I reported nearly 300 that night, but there were thousands. If figured if the enemy of Gods minions hated Trump - I was for FOR Trump.

The screenshots I took at night were random.  But many I read mentioned satan by name and also that it was a full moon - which I recently confirmed was the case on Oct 1st 2020.  This seems nuts - BECAUSE IT IS NUTS.  The spiritual battle is REAL.  God is real.  Jesus Christ is the truth.  PLEASE I pray you ask Him to reveal himself to you.
The screenshots I took at night were random. But many I read mentioned satan by name and also that it was a full moon - which I recently confirmed was the case on Oct 1st 2020. This seems nuts - BECAUSE IT IS NUTS. The spiritual battle is REAL. God is real. Jesus Christ is the truth. PLEASE I pray you ask Him to reveal himself to you.

The Plan for America - Agenda 47

This website has all President Trumps agenda 47 videos.

They are AWESOME!

Here are a few:

FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is what a bravery and leadership look like

Peace through strength: Trump on the Taliban

Did DJT change? Or did the world change, and he stepped up?


National Bible Week

Never Give Up

Young fan



Self professed WITCH Stormy Daniels attacks DJT - who is “in touch with reality”?


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