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Original Christian Art 


Price: $19.99+ 


MEDIUM: Acrylic on canvas

SIZE:  Various





"If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Romans 8:31





President Donald J. Trump famously paired his legendary mug shot with NEVER SURRENDER! While the globalist Luciferian elite cabal relentlessly attempts to destroy him, and our great nation - we must stand firm in our convictions for God, Family, and Country.  "If God is for us, who can be against us?"  A time such as this calls us all to be warriors of TRUTH. 


While there is only one truth and true savior of the world and that is Jesus Christ, Romans 8 describes warriors such as President Trump. President Trump is an example of how God can and will use anyone and any situation the enemy plans for evil, and turn it for good.  

"And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God". "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"


I normally dedicate one bible verse to a painting, but all of Romans 8 applies to this one.  Romans 8 is written on the lower bottom in vibrant pink.


“NEVER SURRENDER” is part of the colorful abstract series, which honors the Lord Jesus, and claims back God's rainbow and the promise that came with it from the grips of the enemy who has perverted it to have a different meaning and association.  As God sits victoriously on His throne surrounded by a rainbow, He will not be mocked by Satan and His minions.


Reproductions of an original acrylic modern Christian art painting of President Donald J. Trump's defiant mug shot, by Julia Rose.




$19.99     |   4.8” x 6” PAPER GICLEE

$39.99     |   8” x 10” PAPER GICLEE

$59.99     |   12” x 15” PAPER GICLEE

$89.99     |   16” x 20” PAPER GICLEE

(Actual print size.  Paper Giclees include an additional 2” for framing)


$222   | 16” x 20” CANVAS GICLEE (rolled canvas-NO FRAME)

$333   | 16” x 20” CANVAS GICLEE (stretched)

$444  | 24” x 30” CANVAS GICLEE (rolled canvas-NO FRAME)

$555  | 24” x 30” CANVAS GICLEE (stretched)


$1110  | 48” x 60” CANVAS GICLEE (rolled canvas-NO FRAME)

$1555 | 48” x 60” CANVAS GICLEE (stretched)

    Impuesto excluido |
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     © 2022 por JULIA ROSE   |   Diseño de sitios web  byDiseño web para pequeñas empresas de Chicago

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