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Painting of Jesus Mother Mary with tears in her eyes

Carrying The Savior

Original Christian Art Prints


Price: $19.99+ 


PRINTS: Archival Museum Quality Inks and paper

SIZE:  Various





LUKE 1:30-33

The angel told her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with God.

You will become pregnant, give birth to a son, and name him Jesus.

He will be a great man and will be called the Son of the Most High.

The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.

Your son will be king of Jacob’s people forever, a

nd his kingdom will never end.”






Mary carried the Savior of the world - who now carries all of us. The young Blessed Virgin Mary was the mother of Jesus who is the Messiah. Mary’s story is miraculous. She is a woman of courage, strength, tenacity, and immense faith.


After a visitation by the Arch angle Gabriel who told Mary she had found favor with God, She gives birth to Jesus miraculously. Imagine the enormity of being told as a young virgin that you were to be the vessel and steward the raising up of the King of Kings?


When Mary received Gabriel’s message that she would conceive Jesus through the Holy Spirit, she was afraid. The young virgin “was greatly troubled”. Despite her fears, and uncertainties, Mary trusted God’s divine plan for her life. Mary’s desire to serve and surrender to God was greater than her fears.


Similar to Mary, we too have real fears in our lives when fulfilling God’s purposes. We often have more questions than answers. But we can learn from and be inspired by Mary’s story. She leaned on God’s word and moved forward, trusting God’s leading and direction.


Being the mother of Jesus was Mary’s greatest honor and ultimate source of suffering. She witnessed Jesus endure intense ridicule, opposition, and crucifixion. Mary was the only person recorded to be present with Jesus at his birth and his earthly death. Mary carried a weighty burden and responsibility. She must have grieved intensely to watch the torture of her beloved son, Jesus.


In our suffering, God wants us to fully depend on Him. In our own strength, our personal suffering can consume us. But if we fully rely on God’s Holy Spirit to guide, carry, and sustain us through times of adversity - God will comfort us in our suffering. Deuteronomy 31:8 states, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” When adversity comes, God has given us an example in Mary - and an open invitation to come and find comfort and peace in Him, in the arms of Lord Jesus.


Although her path was unknown, Mary surrendered to God’s plans not only for her life, but the life of her Son Jesus. Mary surrendered her child over to God and his ultimate will. It is easy to trust God when things are going well and your next step is clear. The greater test for us all is to trust God when our next steps are unknown and we are unsure how to move forward. Mary decided to trust God during her uncertainties and fears. She didn’t lean on her own understanding or limited perspective.


Surrender is a daily act of worship to God and a full acknowledgement that we are not in control, but an opportunity for us to be led by God every day. To fully surrender our lives daily to God takes great trust, humility, and a reverence for His sovereignty. It is not easy to do because we battle against our human frailty each day. However, God will give us the courage needed to surrender every aspect of our lives into His capable hands. Surrendering to God’s will (as both Mary and Jesus did) is not easy. But if we shift our attention from our circumstances to a renewed assurance that God’s will is best- the spiritual growth and rewards are more than we can think or imagine.


God gave Mary an extraordinary blessing in birthing Jesus the Savior. She was unsure of exactly how God was going to use her, but she trusted in who God was more than her fear of the unknown. In faith, Mary believed in God’s word, praised God through suffering, trusted God in the unknown, and surrender to God’s will.


God’s plans for our lives may take us down windy and uncertain roads. Often times, we may not know the way to go - or we may see our fears increase. Be encouraged by Mary’s story and reminded that God will lead, guide, and direct us….He will not forsake us. Like Mary, God is calling us to practice trusting Him daily with our lives and His purposes for us. With limited information and control, God invites us to continue to trust His plan, His path, and His provision.




$19.99     |   4.8” x 6” PAPER GICLEE

$39.99     |   8” x 10” PAPER GICLEE

$59.99     |   12” x 15” PAPER GICLEE

$89.99     |   16” x 20” PAPER GICLEE

(Actual print size.  Paper Giclees include an additional 2” for framing)


$222   | 16” x 20” CANVAS GICLEE (rolled canvas-NO FRAME)

$333   | 16” x 20” CANVAS GICLEE (stretched)

$444  | 24” x 30” CANVAS GICLEE (rolled canvas-NO FRAME)

$555  | 24” x 30” CANVAS GICLEE (stretched)

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